“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you; not as the world gives do I give you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
John 14:27
Peace is available in our world, even in the most turbulent times. True peace is not the absolute absence of war or conflict. A person’s heart and mind may be in moral conflict and the person experience sublime peace in the midst of it. Such peace emanates from the Spirit of God that dwells within.
The peace of God surpasses the understanding of the wise. It cannot be qualified or quantified as it encompasses all that God is. People know that God is love, but perfect love begets perfect peace. In vain people search for the peace of God as though it existed as a fruit to be plucked.
The peace of God cannot be experienced until there is first peace with God. Every human being is born in a state of rebellion against God. Given time the most innocent-looking babe will grow to defy the will of God in our inherent drive to be as gods.
Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” Yet even those who love Him most, fail at this simple instruction. Why? We are not perfect. Our love fails. Peace would fail with it, but we know that the perfect love of God does not abandon us. It lifts us up again and restores what is broken.
Peace with God comes in surrender—unconditional surrender to God evidenced by bowing to Christ the King and confessing Him as Lord. Without that, there is no peace with God. With that confession, there opens a door to peace that cannot be taken from us.
Jesus said He did not come to give peace on earth. (Matthew 10:34) How can that be? Peace on earth comes only when peace dwells perfectly in every heart. That day will come but only after the earth passes through the fire and its inhabitants return filled with God’s peace.
