For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. Galatians 5:14-15
I used to get a great deal of information about diet and nutrition. I say used to because it was not enough for many authors/experts to tell me their way was the best way. It seemed every book I picked up, every podcast I watched, began with a rant about how wrong everybody else was. There is no need to tear down others if you have made a valid argument just state your case simply and clearly.
This rather destructive means of promoting one’s beliefs is not exclusive to food gurus. It is the standard for a great many so-called experts. And sadly, has found a happy home in the Church. A prime example is those who post on social media about how Jesus (and by extension they themselves) did this or that and other Christians don’t do it as well or don’t do it at all.
If you are an exact, living example of Christ, is it really necessary to point out your disagreements with others to establish the truth you are living? When Jesus found it necessary to expose the errors of His detractors, it came after He acted out the right way. Of course, it was also set against the backdrop of His life that was perfect in word, deed, and thought.
The world does not lack vocal extremists. It’s possible to find an outrageous viewpoint expressed by someone in any group. Watch the news about a tornado, flood, hailstorm, or any old tragedy. The person interviewed will reflect the on-air person’s opinion of what people living in that area are like. Vocal buffoons, and society snobs, are equally easy to find and make for good television.
I can find someone affiliated with any church, anywhere in the country, who will publicly make an erroneous, outlandish statement about another church and its members. Been there, heard that. I can also find someone from the maligned church who denies that’s what they believe.
What I’m getting at is this. Christians have enough detractors without hunting up more within our ranks and broadcasting the wild things they may say as indicative of entire bodies of believers. It’s a lot like gossip and just as true and helpful. Do you have the true path to heaven? Wonderful, by all means share it. Do so standing on its own merits.