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Lost Crusader #205 Not Ashamed

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth…” ~Romans 1:16

There is one thing no rational person can say about Jesus—that he was a great moral teacher. He was not, neither to the Jews nor to the Gentiles. He was rightly charged with proclaiming Himself equal with God, willingly accepted worship, commended His followers to heaven, and condemned those who rejected Him to hell.

Moreover, He did so with such authority that His hearers were amazed, and those sent to bring Him in refused to do so on the grounds that, never a man spoke as He did. Teachers of Moses’ law called Him Beelezbub. His family said He was beside himself. But neither charge matched the picture His life and words painted.

I am not ashamed to be called a subject in His kingdom. I am not ashamed to be called a religious zealot, or crazy, ignorant Christian. I admit that I have invisible friends—Jesus is not one of them. He is visible in my life for those who can see. You may shout “hypocrite” at me from the housetops and I am not moved except to double down on my allegiance to Christ.

I have no confidence in my own abilities, nor do I possess some imaginary holiness—quite the opposite. I am weak, foolish, and the chiefest of sinners. I would have to up my game to be poor in spirit. None of those things are the foundation of my life. That foundation rests solely on the mercy and grace of Christ. I have not one iota of shame in that.

I am not out to be better than anyone. I am not even out to be good. I have one goal—to hear the words, “Well done” from my king. I grapple with that goal every moment, all the while, knowing it is unattainable on my own.

“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.”


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