Writing a blog is a presumptuous act. The writer assumes he has something to say that another person might want to read. Likewise, it assumes the writer has some sort of expertise, or at least a somewhat informed opinion on the subject. However, living as we do, in the age of self-importance and the ease of self-publication, neither need be true.
All a blog writer needs is an ego large enough to undertake the endeavor. Obviously, I speak from experience. It’s a good news-bad news proposition. The good news is that I know a bit about Jack. The bad news is that I tell what I know despite the fact that no one really wants to know. But, that’s the job of social media and most blogs.
Despite how that sounds, it is not a jab at blog readers. It’s more a commentary on people who spend far more hours writing blogs that can be read in minutes. When they are not typing away, they are trying to come up with nonsense to write about. I have written a blog or two about having nothing to write about.
The act of writing is the important thing for me. Writing takes constant practice and a degree of self-disciple to set aside time from life to write each day. It’s a balancing act and as a general rule, I’m unsteady on my feet. As important as writing may be, living every day is even more important. Living is God’s workshop. That may be true for writers more than any other people.
Life is the well from which writers draw the words they pour into stories and the clay from which they mold characters. As I said, a big ego is a prerequisite. Life is where a writer’s ideas come from.