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Know Jack #442 Outrageous Fortune

Hamlet famously asked if it were better to suffer the slings and arrows of the outrageous fortune that is life or take action, oppose them, and thereby end them. I tend to vacillate between the two. I favor action to set things right…up to a point.


That tipping point for me is when I must set myself up to help those who don’t want to be helped. Whether or not they deserve help, or asked for help is beside the point. Offering to help is the right thing to do even when it puts me at odds with the established order.


One common problem with helping others battle the outrageousness of life is that people tend to seek help without counting the cost. There is no such thing as an action without consequences. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It’s as true in everyday life as it is physics.


Taking action may indeed result in a better situation, it may even achieve the end we desire. That does not mean it will be painless for those involved. More than once I’ve agreed to help people achieve a desired goal only to have them cave the minute it meets opposition.


Sadly, it’s human nature to seek the path of least resistance. It is much easier to accept things as they are—to go along to get along. I’ve seen surrender of this kind on a national scale. I don’t mind admitting it makes me wonder if I have things all wrong. Maybe I should stand silently by and let people go their own way.


There is no doubt it would be easier on me, at least externally. Internally I’m not sure I could happily live with that decision. I want too much good not to do good.




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