I do not wish anyone reading this post to think I am trying to tell them what to do or think. If a person’s own heart cannot tell them the path to take, I certainly cannot, nor do I wish to try. We are born with the right to choose our own way. We are not free of the consequences of our choices, but we are free to choose. So, when I speak of duty here, I speak only for myself.
By definition, duty is obligatory in nature. It is conduct due to parents (yes, that is in the definition) and superiors; obligatory tasks, or functions that arise from one’s position. It is a debt to be paid to others and myself with honor, integrity, and fidelity. I will point out that my duty to superiors is not limited to people. I have a duty to higher ideals as well.
When St. Paul said to “Owe no man any thing…” he was speaking about duty. I am to leave no debt of duty, but render unto everyone what is due them, not only by reason of station in life, but as human beings. It is tempting to interpret that as an invitation to vengeance or justification for the evil my baser nature might conjure up.
However, I have no duty to wrong others. As an imperfect soul capable of every act of a selfish will, duty demands I lift up every other soul in prayer and action with grace, peace, and charity. I have worked for all I have, both good and bad, but in a grander sense, all the good has been a gift. I have certainly not merited the good things given to me by a benevolent Creator.
“Freely you have received, freely give…” may be the most difficult command of all. The good things in life are not a treasure to be hoarded. They are a treasure to be shared and it is my duty to do so. If that duty moves me to say things that offend the conscience of others, that does not excuse me from my duty. Better to offend with the truth than to lull with silence.
Over the course of my life the consequences of doing my duty, at times, exacted a harsh toll. Thankfully, I was never told doing the right thing was easy or popular. I have no expectation of such outcomes. It seems to come as a surprise to some, that my having taken a stand in support of an unpopular decision, I have not relented or sought to compromise to soften criticism. They were surprised only because they don’t know Jack.