Mann of God Redemption is live on Amazon and I’m really feeling good about having this first book by House of Honor on the market. We spent a lot of hours in the final weeks getting it ready. So, time for a celebration and a little break.
Saturday night Joie and I went to karaoke with friends Gabe, Susie, Jo, and Lanny. It felt good to be out after our friends kicked Covid’s ass and completed a little voluntary stay at home. If you’ve followed the blog, you have heard me speak despairingly of my vocal skills. I haven’t improved any, I just no longer stress over the sour notes.
It’s not about talent (as many of us proved that night) it’s about doing your best and having fun doing it. I just make sure not to follow Gabe, cause that guy can sing.
So much for the celebration—on to the break. Left Decatur this morning for the southern end of the Appalachians near Ft. Payne, Alabama. Bear Creek Cabins are amazing. Grilling steaks tonight after a brief stroll keeping an eye out for giant, hairy hominids. Bigfoot is a no show thus far. I will keep looking, I’ve read he lives in the area. Dekalb County has several sightings.
It’s nice to get away for a couple of days. Experimental Christianity and Blood Moon, the sequel to Bayou Moon are waiting for me to get back to work on Friday. I always seem to like moving from the rigors of editing to the free-swinging of writing something new.
Redemption was a departure from my usual supernatural writing, but I enjoyed doing it. But I didn’t stray far. Redemption is still the wild west and rooted in Christianity. No mystery where the inspiration for this one came from. A dear friend asked for a western without a monster. Redemption is it.
I generally, do not have a single book in the works and today is no exception. Pre-publication reviews for Tracks are in and encouraging. It is ahead of the scheduled may release date. There is a real temptation to release it early.
Meanwhile, House of Honor is branching out into audiobooks. We are starting with Death Rides the Red narrated by Cameron Buckner from Dixie Cryptid and What If It’s True. Bayou Moon is currently holding auditions for a narrator. Both of these are also available as podcast narrations on Dead Man Talking Forest of Fear.
Okay. I’m supposed to be chillin’ so I’d better get to it. I’ll post this when I return to the press of every day.