Preparations are underway for my trip to the Ouachita Bigfoot Festival and Conference this weekend in Mena, Arkansas. All the books are boxed up ready for trip. We will be selling Bigfoot shirts too ands I still have to pick those up.
Reports came in today on Bayou Moon sales and I was very happy and a little surprised by the results. It did well, no surprise there, but for the first time ever eBooks out sold paperbacks.
I will be taking that one to Arkansas and hope it does as well there. Tiwaz Press put out Yuletide Chills early so I could take it to the festival and offer my Christmas Bigfoot story, Frost.
The first draft of all four, based on a true story Bigfoot encounters to be included in Tracks are completed. It’s on to editing for them and a launch next year. As a sneak peek at the larger book, the first story The Haunted Warrior is being offered as a signed author’s proof at the conference.
I love this story of a world War I vet home from the war France. His wounds go deeper than his empty sleeve. However, they are forgotten in a search for a missing girl and an elusive pursuit of the Seeahtik (a Salish version of Bigfoot).
Plans are also underway for a partnership with a new publisher, House of Honor. The relationship will open with my book, Mann of God, early next year. This Christian themed tale of redemption and liberation is set in Wyoming circa 1875. Kit Mann, preacher in the tiny town of Zion is called to a showdown with his former outlaw gang, his parishioners, his girl, and himself. Romance, action, and faith meet in the thrilling conclusion.
Still to come from Tiwaz Press are my young adult fantasy Trails of Trouble and The Chanteuse. Both are in the editing process with Tiwaz and should see print next year.
Meanwhile, as November approaches, I must make a final decision to participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) a challenge to complete a 50,000 word novel in the thirty-one days of November. I wrote The Chanteuse last year for this challenge and I am debating on trying to do the same this year with the yet to be named follow-up novel.
Ed Landry fans don’t despair the ex-sheriff is coming back soon in pursuit of another werewolf in Blood Moon.

Just finished Bayou Moon! I was immediately sucked into the story. I was supposed to be deer hunting, but honestly couldn’t tell you if a deer came by or not. I read the whole thing, and was completely transported into another world!