For the last two days, I have been taking an on-line course on personal branding. People who know me well know how distasteful self-promotion is to me. I’d rather someone drag their nails over a chalkboard than write an author bio.
Despite my personal feelings on the subject, every book I write requires one, very promotion of my books asks for more, even my own website demands it. This may be hard for some of you to believe, but I can be a wee bit stubborn when it comes to matters of principle. (There are a few who go so far as to say insufferable!)
When I was a nurse there were a few jobs that seemed to call my name. The voices always seemed to sound like my co-workers. Two of these really stand out to me. Suctioning a tracheostomy and placing a nasogastric tube. Both involve a lot of gagging by the patient, and often the nurse.
I don’t believe that I really excelled at these tasks. My utility rested in my willingness to do them. Said willingness is a hark back at that stubbornness I hinted at. I am cursed with an over-inflated sense of duty. If a job has to be done, I am willing to do it for no reason other than that.
People have used me spitefully for possessing this trait, sending me to bell whatever cat might need it at a given moment… or suction that trach.
Personal branding, what’s that got to do with dirty jobs? In my case everything. I have come to see self-promotion, in the guise of personal branding, as a call to duty… to myself and to my readers.
If I am to write amazing books… make that more amazing books, then I must not remain hidden in my comfort zone. I’d rather stick a tube down someone’s nose into their stomach than stand up and say, “I write great stories!”
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Therefore, I am learning to confess my story writing prowess unashamedly. Now, get out there and buy my books…they are the best on the market.